
Type Definitions


App configuration.

  • object
Name Type Argument Description
anytime_finish boolean <optional>

Finish button is always unlocked. You no longer have to go through all the phrases to use it.

auto_arrows boolean <optional>

The arrows between tables are automatically set correctly and haven't to be selected manually.

auto_pk boolean <optional>

When creating a table, an artificial primary key is created automatically.

comments object <optional>

Show comments to support the user.

Name Type Argument Description
input boolean <optional>

Show comments during input (hints like "start creating tables" or "start to connect tables").

wrong boolean <optional>

Show comments as feedback on an incorrect solution.

correct boolean <optional>

Show comments as feedback on a correct solution.

correction boolean <optional>

Allows the user to correct an incorrect solution.

css array

CSS dependencies.

data object <optional>

Source of app state data.

default object <optional>

Default notations data.

feedback boolean <optional>

Show visual feedback and any comments after submitting a solution.

fixed_notation boolean <optional>

The notation used in the ER diagram cannot be changed.

helper array

Dependency on helper functions.

hide_own_fk boolean <optional>

No foreign key is offered for the table's own main attribute.

html array

HTML template dependencies.

lang array <optional>

Dependency on component for multilingualism.

legend boolean <optional>

Button to display a legend for the different notations in the ER diagram.

license boolean <optional>

Show license information in the bottom of the app.

logos string <optional>

Show image of logos in the bottom of the app.

modal object

Dependencies on component instances for modal dialogs.

Name Type Argument Description
attr array

Modal dialog for editing attributes of a table.

legend array <optional>

Modal dialog to display a legend for the different notations in the ER diagram.

notations Object.<string, notation_data>

Data of the different notations in the ER diagram.

number number <optional>

Number of phrases to be asked. By default, all phrases are asked.

onchange function <optional>

When something changes in the app (notation change, show legend, submit, correction, show solution, next phrase).

onfinish function | object <optional>

When the finish button is clicked. Sets the finish actions.

onready function <optional>

Is called once before the first start of the app.

onstart function <optional>

When the app has finished starting.

phrases object

Data of the phrases.

show_solution boolean <optional>

If the user solves the phrase incorrectly, he can reveal a correct solution. After that, the user can no longer correct his input.

shuffle boolean <optional>

The phrases are shuffled, so the order in which the phrases are asked is different each time the app is started.

skip boolean <optional>

Phrases can be skipped, so that not all phrases have to be answered.

text boolean

Contains the static texts (e.g. task description, labeling of buttons, hints on feedback).

user boolean <optional>

Dependency on component for user authentication.



App state data.

  • object
Name Type Description
correct number

Number of correctly answered phrases.

notation string

Current selected notation (e.g. 'abrial', 'arrow', 'chen', 'crow', 'mc', 'uml').

phrases Array.<phrase_data>

Phrases used in the order they are queried.

results Array.<result_data>

Result data of the phrases processed so far.

  "correct": 1,
  "notation": "abrial",
  "phrases": [
      "text": "Eine Bibliothek möchte die einzelnen Seiten ausgewählter Bücher digitalisieren.",
      "entities": [ "Buch", "Seite" ],
      "relation": "hat",
      "solution": [ "n", "1" ]
  "results": [
      "input": [ null, [ 0, 6, 0 ], [ 0, 1058, 6 ] ],
      "correct": true,
      "solution": [ null, [ 0, 6, 0 ], [ 0, 1058, 6 ] ]


Bit mask of a table attribute.
0: not set
2^0=1: is optional (NULL)
2^1=2: is mandatory (NOT NULL)
2^2=4: is part of primary key (PK)
2^3=8: is part of alternate key (AK)
2^4=16: is part of foreign key to relation table (FK0)
2^5=32: is part of foreign key to entity 1 (FK1)
2^6=64: is part of foreign key to entity 2 (FK2)
2^7=128: is part of foreign key to entity 3 (FK3)
2^8=256: is part of foreign key to entity 4 (FK4)
2^9=512: arrow for FK0 is set
2^10=1024: arrow for FK1 is set
2^11=2048: arrow for FK2 is set
2^12=4096: arrow for FK3 is set
2^13=8192: arrow for FK4 is set

  • number
1058 // = 1024 + 32 + 2
// => Foreign key to entity 1 (FK1) with set arrow and NOT NULL.


Number of an entity (1-N: entity 1-N).

  • number


Notation data.

  • object
Name Type Argument Description
key string

Unique key of the notation (e.g. 'abrial', 'arrow', 'chen', 'crow', 'mc', 'uml')

title string

Title of the notation (used for the selection of the notation).

swap boolean <optional>

Notation has a reverse reading order than Abrial notation.

centered boolean <optional>

The relational verb is centered vertically in the diagram and not slightly higher above a connecting line.

mirrored boolean <optional>

The notation is mirrored on the left side.

comment string <optional>

Note that informs about special aspects of a notation.

images Array.<string>

Image URLs or filenames of the images without a file extension.

format string <optional>

File extension of the image files (when using only filenames).

path string <optional>

Image URLs without filename and file extension (when using only filenames).

  "key": "arial",
  "title": "Abrial",
  "centered": true,
  "images": [
  "key": "arial",
  "title": "Abrial",
  "centered": true,
  "format": "svg",
  "images": [ "e", "1", "c", "n", "cn", "r", "s" ],
  "path": ""


Phrase data.

  • object
Name Type Argument Description
text string

Text of the phrase.

entities Array.<string>

Names of the entities.

roles Array.<string> <optional>

Role names of the entities (useful in recursive relationships).

relation string <optional>

Name of the relation between the entities (default: has relation of a generalization/specialization).

solution Array.<string>

Solution of the phrase ('1': simple, 'c': conditional, 'n': multiple, 'cn': conditional multiple).

  "text": "Eine Bibliothek möchte die einzelnen Seiten ausgewählter Bücher digitalisieren.",
  "entities": [ "Buch", "Seite" ],
  "relation": "hat",
  "solution": [ "n", "1" ]


Result data of a phrase.

  • object
Name Type Argument Description
input Array.<table_data>

Input data of the tables.

correct boolean <optional>

Phrase answered correctly.

solution Array.<table_data>

Solution data of the tables (main solution).

alternate_solution Array.<table_data> <optional>

Alternate solution found.

  "correct": true,
  "input": [ null, [ 0, 6, 0 ], [ 0, 1058, 6 ] ],
  "solution": [ null, [ 0, 6, 0 ], [ 0, 1058, 6 ] ]


Table data.
null: not created
[0]: ID attribute of relation table
[1]: ID attribute of entity 1
[2]: ID attribute of entity 2
[3]: ID attribute of entity 3
[4]: ID attribute of entity 4

[ 0, 1058, 6 ]


Number of a relation scheme table (0: extra table, 1-N: entity table 1-N).

  • number