Contains all event handlers.
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<static> onAddTable(nr)
When the button to add a table is clicked.
Name Type Description nr
table_nr Table number
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<static> onArrow(value, from, to)
When the end point of a connection between two tables is changed via a selector box.
Name Type Description value
string The selected value in the selector box ('', 'line' or 'arrow').
table_nr Number of the table from which the connection starts.
table_nr Number of the table to which the connection goes.
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onArrow( 'arrow', 1, 2 ) // Setting an arrow for the connection from entity table 1 to entity table 2 [E1]->[E2]
<static> onCorrection()
When the button is clicked that allows the user to correct an incorrect solution.
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<static> onEditTable(nr)
When the button for editing the table attributes is clicked.
Name Type Description nr
table_nr Table number
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<static> onFinish()
When the button that finishes the app is clicked.
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<static> onLegend()
When the button to show the notation legend is clicked.
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<static> onNext()
When the button that starts the next phrase is clicked.
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<static> onNotation(value [, show_solution])
When the notation used in the ER diagram is switched.
Name Type Argument Description value
string ID of the selected notation.
boolean <optional>
Correct solution is revealed.
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<static> onRemoveTable(nr)
When the button for removing a table is clicked.
Name Type Description nr
table_nr Table number
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<static> onSolution()
When the button showing the sample solution for the current phrase is clicked.
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<static> onSubmit()
When the button is clicked that allows the user to submit a solution.
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<static> onToggleBadge(table, attr, badge_nr)
When a badge of a key attribute is clicked.
Name Type Description table
table_nr Table number
table_nr Table that references the attribute as a foreign key.
number 0: NULL, 1: NOT NULL, 2: PK, 3: AK, 4: FK0, 5: FK1, 6: FK2, 7: FK3, 8: FK4
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